Marketing Data Warehouses

Build a Foundation for Better Marketing Decisions

One Centralized, Reliable Source of Marketing Data

Marketing data is more complex than ever. And without a single source of truth for performance metrics, marketers are left with confusing and conflicting platform reports.

If only it were as easy as point-and-click. But in-platform data is marred by biased attribution, sampling, data thresholding, and archiving practices. And even when you do try to bring the data together, different platforms have different names and definitions for important metrics, making them difficult to relate and compare.

More marketers and IT teams are making the case for building a marketing data warehouse, prioritizing the reliability, maintainability, and privacy of their own data. Two Octobers leverages our experience as marketers and technologists to design and build nimble and economical marketing data pipelines & warehouses that deliver value quickly.

We Build Warehouses that Power Data-Driven Marketing Teams

  • Consult with IT and data analytics teams on marketing data & transformation requirements
  • Architect marketing data pipeline solutions
  • Build marketing data pipelines incorporating multiple sources of marketing data

We build and support a variety of platforms, including BigQuery, Fivetran, Airbyte, Supermetrics, and Tableau.


A Single Source of Truth for Analysis & Decision-Making

Use cases for a marketing data warehouse

Own Your Data
  • Stored data isn’t affected by third-party platforms’ archiving, sampling, and data thresholding practices.
A Single Source of Data
  • Focus more on analyzing data and generating valuable insights, and less on tedious and error-prone data collection.
Merge Disparate Data
  • Normalize definitions of marketing metrics so that a conversion means the same thing regardless of platform.
  • Connect data from one platform with that of another platform, to dig faster and deeper into insights that matter.
  • Tie data to proprietary internal information or PII, without sharing the data with a third-party tool.

We Specialize in Nimble Data Pipeline Solutions

A wide variety of technology and numerous stakeholders can make marketing data pipelines complicated, so our work focuses on practical outcomes, affordable technology, predictable processes, and clear communication to ensure projects are successful, impactful, and ultimately make marketers more productive.

How It Works

  • Strategy & Design
    • Determine goals and target outcomes
    • Design phased execution to maximize usability and realized value
    • Assess platforms and data to integrate
    • Assess in-house solutions and capabilities
    • Select technology
    • Design data collection & transformation processes
    • Coordinate with IT, data analytics, and other stakeholders
  • Implementation
    • Build pipeline
    • Test
    • Integrate data with marketing dashboards
  • Training
    • Train team members

Explore all Two Octobers’ marketing analytics services.

We’ve Helped Clients Like You


A marketing data pipeline underpins Branch Explorer, a product Two Octobers developed for drawing insights from search query data. Learn more and sign up at Branch.Tools.

For Link Logistics, Two Octobers provides the link between data analytics and marketing teams, consulting on marketing data and dashboard requirements so that the built solution serves the needs of a data-forward marketing team.