A case study of website innovation

using data to uncover a
new target segment
and increase revenue

New Product  Launch Drives  YOY Revenue  of Over $1M in  Competitive,  Established  Category

our approach

We begin every program with focused hypotheses and informed experimentation. Our launch with a protein powder brand was no different.  

  • Precision audience targeting to reach Crossfit, all-in athletes to ensure we reached them with our message to drive trial  
  • Competitor targeting to grab the attention and ensure buyers were aware of a cleaner protein source to fuel their workouts.  

The data from testing told a different story than the initial  thinking around the target audience. Crossfitters were a part of  the audience, but not the whole audience. Through testing, we  identified segments such as triathletes and cyclists. We also  noticed an emerging trend of non-crossfitters who were  consuming protein products but were not hard core athletes.  This helped to identify another market segment for us to grow  revenue, men aged 35-54 who outperformed all other segments,  including our athletes.

pink blended protein drink

an astounding 465% increase in consumer revenue, year over  year. the ongoing experimentation, data analysis and identifying a key  alternative audience with greater buying power than crossfitters  drove a significant amount of revenue for our client.

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