Head of SEO

Niki Mosier

Niki is former head of the SEO practice at Two Octobers. 



Hungry for more? Here are some of Niki’s insights about SEO.

sproutlings coming out of wet soil


smx expo logo


how to get the most out of gmb q&A

Niki presented some great info on how to get the most out of GMB Q&A at SMX East in February 2020. If you missed her talk, you’re not out of luck! 

sproutlings coming out of wet soil

recorded workshop

how to migrate your site from an SEO perspective

Building a new website is a costly and complex endeavor, and if you don’t slow down to make sure your figurative SEO ducks are in a row, the investment of time and money could be undone after you launch the new site. Learn how to migrate your website without affecting your google ranking or clients.