
Author: Fred Caloggero

hand looking at phone and taking notes

What You Need To Know About SERPs and Interaction

Search engine results pages (SERPs) have changed significantly over the years, and there are lots of new features. Now you have knowledge graphs and carousels. You have answer boxes and local listings in the right rail. Do you know how users behave when rich snippets appear for branded terms and when they do not? We

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Improve UX by Quantifying Your Intuition

As an SEO consultant, I often find myself discussing user experience (UX) with my clients. This is in part because UX factors influence search engine ranking, but mostly because we measure our success in terms of engaged visitors and conversions, as opposed to ranking and clicks. As I discuss UX with a client, I often

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During Election Years, Where Do People Want to Move?

At Two Octobers, we are always striving to better understand consumer behavior as it relates to our client’s business goals. The more we understand about how consumers research and make decisions, the more we can sharpen our messaging, offers, and UI interactions. Over the past year, I have been doing a considerable amount of consumer

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Does the Readability Score of Your Content Affect Bounce Rates?

No. Not at all. You just saved yourself 10 minutes of reading. That’s 10 minutes you could use to jog a mile, or whip up a batch of chocolate chip cookies (and eat the dough). Or you could keep reading. I actually think the lack of a correlation provides some useful insight into writing for

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Workarounds for Google Analytics ‘(not provided)’

We’re going to start in the middle here. Google Analytics’ organic keyword information is lacking. Their goal is to protect the privacy of all users searching on Google. The issue here is that it leaves marketers with a lack of information as to how people are finding their websites. It originally started with the assurance

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Internal Site Search: Hiding in Plain Sight

Businesses pay a lot of money to figure out what people want from them and/or their industry. Even with that research, businesses can still miss the mark on what they deliver and how they deliver it. What a lot of these businesses don’t realize is that gaining insight into the true intentions of many users

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