
Paid Media articles

Targeted paid media drives awareness, website visitors, leads, and revenue. Find out more about search advertising, social media advertising, and more by exploring our resources below. Need more? Explore Two Octobers’ paid media management services.

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Social Audiences: What You Should Be Doing

Our social media lead, Amanda Carroo, is presenting at Denver Startup Week. Below is a description of what she’ll be talking about, and you can view a PDF of her presentation here. Purchaser lists, email lists, web traffic, these are all segmented audience groups you could be using to your advantage on Facebook and Instagram. Amanda

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Social Media Engagement

How to Measure (and Think About) Social Media Success

When I begin a social media engagement, the first question I ask is, “what is your goal?”  Defining what you want to achieve is always step one. This helps identify the key metrics that should be used to measure success. Having that foundation is crucial and allows you to move on to the next step,

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Blurred photo of the inside of a clothing retailer.

How to Tie Online to Offline Tracking Together Using Google Ads

Google Ads store visit conversions are the first nicely packaged tracking solution in the paid search space to answer questions about online to offline behavior, attribution, and ultimately, return-on-investment.  Even in certain industries where in-store purchases are still common, like appliances or automotive, online research is a key influencing factor to these in-store purchases. For

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Virtual Reality Silouhette

F8: An Insider’s View of Facebook’s Developer Conference

If you’re a kid from the 80’s, even 90’s or 2000’s, when you were told you were going to Disney World, you were PUMPED. Seriously, the excitement was uncontainable. Well, if you love social media and digital marketing, getting a ticket for Facebook’s annual developer conference, F8, provides a similar feeling. My outward expression might

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Audience with Speech Balloons

3 Ways to Reach Your Target Audience Before They Visit Your Site

With advancements in machine learning, the growth of attribution modeling, and digital marketing as a whole becoming more user-focused, keyword-only strategies for paid search are no longer going to cut it. This is why audiences are a hot topic for paid search. Typically, the term ‘audience’ is associated with remarketing lists. Remarketing is great and

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