Understanding the depths of consumer intent
recorded workshop
With data and tools, there is always more to explore, find, and use to fuel your growth
As a marketer, you know your audience, what pages are most frequented, and what products are purchased. But do you understand the pulse of consumer intent which drove prospects to your site in the first place?
Join us as we go deeper than before in harnessing search query data. Through the use of our new tool, Search Explorer, you’ll see your Search Console data in a new light. You’ll understand context and trends and even find new opportunities to market.
You’ll learn how with the right visualization and story behind query data, you can find new pathways to drive purchase within your own data.
Join Noah Learner as he shares Search Explorer, a Two Octobers tool built to uncover hidden business gems. He will be joined by Blake Denman, founder at RicketyRoo, who has been using Search Explorer since 2020 to mine business intelligence and drive results for his clients.
- Demo of Search Explorer, a proprietary tool
- Lessons in how to extract business intelligence insights from search query data
- Step-by-step instruction on search query analysis and insight on why this is important data.
- Topics include:
- Trending keywords: what frequency and fluctuation can tell you about market trends
- Root queries: aggregated statistics for words and phrases that occur in multiple queries for which you appeared in search results
- Question searches: queries containing what, how, why, are, can, when, etc can expose that critical question of: “how can I answer the questions my prospects are asking?”
- Query position juxtaposed with page data
- Areas of site content cannibalization
- Data storytelling techniques that will bring gravity to your analysis and findings

Noah Learner is a Product Director at Two Octobers, a role in which he has an intense focus on tool-building, automation, and helping businesses grow. Also a co-founder of Agency Automators, Noah builds tools for digital marketers with Apps Script + Node.js. He is the mastermind behind Google Sheets add-ons like Postamatic, serverless data warehousing solutions, data studio reporting solutions, and e-commerce and CRO tools like BikeBasket and RingMyBell. Above all else, Noah loves collaborating with other digital marketers, whether it is building tools together, brainstorming on Zoom, or speaking at conferences and Meetups.
Category: SEO Training, Marketing Analytics Training
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